The last few months have been a bit boring. I haven't read anything expect for one book I had to for a college class. (Which, I still have the last chapter left). I didn't buy any books in March but I did add the books I bought in January to the list that I got in February. I'm also trying out a new theme and I'm liking it at the moment! Gets my in the mood for Spring and Summer! Speaking of Spring, it's been Spring for a week already and we already had a snowstorm, bunch of rain and ice. Gotta love this New York weather! Below I separated where I got the books and what ones are completely new to me. "New to me" meaning I never had the book/read the book. I also won a giveaway! I included the box set below as well. Basically the books I got from I already owned them but I had them in either hardback or softback and the others in the series are opposites. Which annoys me! Last thing, I received 3 bookish candles for my birthday that I ma...
Welcome to my blog! I write about what i'm doing and what I read!