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Ranked as a Top Reviewer?!

Guys! It just popped up that I'm #166 top reviewers on Goodreads! That's great, isn't it?! I know it's only 166 but still, to be even ranked is amazing! Look!
Here is my Goodreads account, just click the link! <3


  1. First of all, congrats! And, how would I subscribe to your blog? I would love to hear whenever you post! Thanks so much!

    1. Hi! Thank you so much!! At the moment, I'm not sure how you sub to blogs but what I did with Zoella's blog, I copied the link and added it to "my blogs" on my homepage of you should be able to get emails every time I post. :) I really hope that helps or that you find the real way!

    2. Oh! Also, on my blog right by the about me there should be a follow button. I think that is how to can activate the notifications as well :)

  2. Replies
    1. Hey! I was wondering if you had a twitter or goodreads? I can follow/add you on those and let you know whenever I have new post up? I'm still not 100% sure how the whole following thing works ahah. But I did post a new post a few minutes ago!


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