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Review: Lord of Shadows

Lord of Shadows Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

(9.28.17) I'll write a review when I have time but right now my heart is torn into pieces. How can so much happen in just 10 pages?!

Review (12.4.17). Read June 15th-September 28th 2017

It took me a while to finish this, mainly because I was working and got into a huge reading slump. I' writing the review now because I completly forgot to.

I honestly enjoyed this more than LM! I loved the way we learnt more about Diana and Dru. I've been waiting so long( actually over a year since LM) to hear what was up with Diana. I wont go into detail because spoilers, but lets just say i'm glad Clare is incorporating basically everything with the LGBTQ+ community. Back to Dru, can I just say that I love how this 13yr old basically told her brother(who is basically their parent) "Nah i'm going with you. idc". She's grown up so much in just a book, honestly.
Character development in general is amazing and I really love how one thing can affect someone/thing and just change everything.

I was hoping they would be able to help Annabel but you know, nothing goes how you want it too.

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