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Reading Goals for 2018

Hey everyone! (γεια σε όλους ! [gotta practice that Greek])

 I haven't written about books in awhile mainly about how i'm going to Greece in the spring. Last year I read 44 books out of my goal of 40, which is surprising because I took about 2 months of not reading anything due to the end of the semester and working. In September when I started driving back and forth to college again, instead of listening to music, I decided to listen to books. Audible really helped me get out of my book lump and I've read 10 books in 3 months and two weeks of driving back and forth. I would also listen to the books during the weekend when I was cleaning my room or if I had to drive somewhere.

On Goodreads, I wanted to clean up my selves a bit, so I created a new shelf "own not read" and I marked all the books I currently own( e-books and physical) instead of marking them as "to read". I currently have 239 physical books, minus a few textbooks from college, most I have not read. My major reading goal this year is to read all the books I own that I have not read yet, that includes all the e-books I have that I hardly read/look at.

I like making lists so here are the books I want to finish by the end of the month, books i'm excited for to come out and ones i've read so far.

  • Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo by Rick Riordan (e-book)
  • Knight of the Word by Terry Brooks (audio book/physical) 
Currently Reading:
  • Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare + others
  • The Dark Prophecy by Rick Riordan 
To Read This Month:
  • The Hammer of Thor by Rick Riordan
  • Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas
  • City Of Bones by Cassandra Clare (reread for a read-a-thon)
Books I'm Excited For:
  • Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings (Jan. 16th)
  • The Burning Maze by Rick Riordan (May 1st)
  • Skaar Invasion by Terry Brooks (May 15th)
  • Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare (Dec.4th)

How exciting is it that Zenith comes out in just 6 days??!! I feel like I've been waiting years for this!(It's actually only been about a year when they said it was coming out, but still!) Also, I'm still not happy that we have to wait until December for QoAAD???

That's basically it for this post! I'm hopping I can at least do something similar to this every month. There's plenty of more books that i'm excited for to come out this year! Be on the look out for some more Greece blog posts as well! I know for sure that after Greece I'll be posting an update with some pictures. I'm still currently writing my own book. Last year on my birthday I said I wanted to have one finished or nearly finished, lets just say i'm nowhere near that and it's almost my birthday. BUT I'm happy I have what I want to write down and somewhat planned out.

Below is a picture of my bookinsta, I plan on being active on that again soon! 


2018 Reading Challenge

2018 Reading Challenge
Dejanira has read 2 books toward her goal of 50 books.

Instagram: @dejanirareads  & @dejaniradawn
Twitter: @dejaniradawn


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